Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Power of Morning Ritual

Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash

There is a power in the morning ritual. Yes, true that! We are talking about a morning routine which makes your day positive. The way you start your day and spend your morning decides your whole day. Your creative neurons start getting active from the day itself. Morning is the most powerful time of your day. You can make it or break it.

When you wake up in the morning, from a subconscious stage, you start moving towards the conscious stage. It is a transition from sleeping to waking up. It is subtle which can be felt. That is why people start their day with tea or a coffee as it freshens them up. Our elders always ask to study in the morning as our mind gets fresh after sleep and we are ready to welcome the newness of knowledge and perspectives.  We are ready to soak absorb the new knowledge. Our creativity is at its peak and we can be innovative. Remember, people, saying that the best ideas come in washrooms in the morning. How you spend the first one hour determines the rest of your day.       
 Welcome the presence of today with the vibrations of energy. Do what you love to do. Spend time with your hobbies. Some people play in the morning because they love to play a certain game and it fills them with energy. Why people go to temple early in the morning because it is their daily ritual. They cannot imagine their day without the morning ritual of worshipping or going to the temple. I have closely observed people who follow a certain pattern of activities in the morning. 

Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash

They seem to be more oriented and organized in their lives. A friend used to make a to-do list every morning before leaving for college. Unbelievably, she managed her college and job very well, scoring 9.2 CGPA in the whole batch. Once I was going through an interview of a renowned writer and he told in the interview that he starts his day by writing. He gives the first 1 hour of the morning to write articles. Isn’t the feeling too wonderful that you start your day with passion and full of energy?

People who start their day early seem to more organized with the tunes of the whole day. They keep a track of what is next rather than playing absurdly. Eventually, they are able to see at the end of the day that what were their accomplishments and achievements in a day. Were they able to make some difference from yesterday or not? Were they able to achieve the goals they had set in the morning or not? What they are supposed to do tomorrow? Play guitar or your favourite music, gardening, writing, spending some time with nature etc., surely you will find solace in it. All this thought process makes your mind healthy and organized. Your creativity gets more space in your mind as your thoughts are structured by a defined morning routine.

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